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Bradley James è un attore inglese famoso per il suo ruolo di "Arthur Pendragon" nella serie "Merlin" della BBC. Il forum nasce come punto di ritrovo per i fan italiani della serie e dell'attore. Oltre alle discussioni su Merlin e su Bradley dedicheremo molto spazio anche alle sfide di scrittura fra utenti, dato che molti di essi vengono da questo contesto. Buona permanenza sul forum.


Ci "fondiamo" con il Bradley James Italia. Rimarremo due siti distinti, ma prevedo un sacco di iniziative in comune!


Lady Slytherin

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Adottini The Voice Of Our Prince Quote
Il drago Slasher
Cappello da Mago
Merlino della Disney
L'Asino Reale
Coming soon

Cliccate su Play per sentire la voce di Arthur^^

Wait, let him go. He may be an idiot, but he's a brave one. There's something about you, Merlin. I cannot quite put my finger on it...

Season 1 Episode 1


Can you believe Morgana? She says she saved me! As if i needed saving!
Season 1 Episode 2


Merlin, come here....., look what I've found. I've found a place where you can put things, its called a cupboard.

Season 1 Episode 3


He knew the danger he was putting himself in. He knew what would happen if he drank from that goblet, but he did it anyway. He saved my life. There's more. There was a woman at the mountain. She knew I was there for the flower. I don't think it was Bayard who tried to poison me.

Season 1 Episode 4


When I was a boy, my village was attacked by raiders from the Northern Plains. They were slaughtered where they stood. My father, my mother, everyone. I alone escaped. I vowed that day that never again would I be helpless against the face of tyrrany. I made swordcraft my life. Every waking hour since that day, I devoted to the art of combat. When I was ready, I set forth for Camelot. And now it seems my journey ends. Everything I fought for, wasted.

Season 1 Episode 5


Oh yes. He and the young Pendragon one day will unite the land of Albion.

Season 1 Episode 6


I can't order you to lie to the king, but i'll be a friend for life if you do.

Season 1 Episode 7


Goodbye, Emrys. I know that some day, we'll meet again.

Season 1 Episode 8


You're proud of him, even though you complain about him constantly.
Season 1 Episode 9


The same reason we did. Merlin. Arthur may act like he doesn't care, but... he wouldn't be here if he didn't.

Season 1 Episode 10


You know me Merlin, I never listen to you.

Season 1 Episode 11


I will strive to listen to you more and quarrel with you less. You have been a blessing to me, Morgana. You are the daughter I never had. Your counsel is invaluable, as is your friendship and your love. Without you, I cannot hope to be the king this land deserves.

Season 1 Episode 12


He can't die! It's my destiny to protect him! We haven't done all the things we're meant to do!

Season 1 Episode 13


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ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info
C_OFF2611611/9/2016, 06:11
In: Regolamento
By: frivcantiagy1979
C_OFF7228/12/2009, 16:05
In: Richiesta di abilitazione per la sezione All About Us
By: Lady Slytherin
C_OFF169125/8/2010, 11:21
In: Adottini!
By: Lady Slytherin


ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info
C_OFF102012/3/2011, 15:28
In: Un po' di immy, giusto per cominciare!
By: piccolaKris19
C_OFF4225/11/2009, 12:01
In: Merlin Cast - Children in Need
By: Silvia_Fanny


ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info
C_OFF5118317/9/2011, 23:26
In: Vediamo insieme la quarta stagione?
By: Lady Slytherin

All the other things

ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info
C_OFF9611/12/2010, 12:58
In: Il dardo e la rosa
By: pharmacist
C_OFF19187/9/2010, 13:54
In: Secret Diary Of a Call Girl
By: Lady Slytherin
C_OFF5327/11/2010, 11:46
In: Adam Lambert
By: Lady Slytherin
C_OFF3216/1/2010, 17:13
In: Saiyuki
By: _piccy_
C_OFF15121/2/2011, 16:09
In: Convention Supernatural
By: _piccy_
C_OFF5910/3/2010, 16:08
In: Mondiali di pattinaggio.
By: Silvia_Fanny
C_OFF31024/9/2009, 18:25
In: Contiamo
By: Lady Slytherin
C_OFF112719/6/2010, 12:34
By: °-°pazzerella93°-°


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4778/4/2012, 22:26
In: STOP all'omofobia!
By: Ðark·Ængel†


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C_OFF_RES2312719/4/2010, 19:10
In: Protected Forum
By: ----

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Attenzione: tutte le immagini presenti nel forum non sono state fatte da noi né tantomeno ci appartengono, ma sono di proprietà dei rispettivi autori. Il forum non ha alcun scopo di lucro, e non è il sito ufficiale di Bradley James. Nessuna violazione del copyright è intesa o voluta. Per la tabella ringrazio -Euphie-

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